Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Portfolio 4: What difficulties do you have writing in your engineering classes?

There are three reasons why I have difficulties writing in engineering classes. The first reason is lecture slides given by the lecturer is too brief and at times I cannot understand what the lecturer is teaching. The second reason is the pace of the lectures are going too fast for me, two chapters are covered each week and before I can finish the readings for the first chapter of the week, I have to prepare myself for the second. The last reason is about tutorials going through answers on topics that the lectures have yet to cover which makes the pace go even much faster. With these problems that I am facing now, I resolved them by working much harder, finish the readings of the two chapters before the start of the week so when I attend the lectures, I will not be so lost and if I have any doubts, I will clarify with the professor at the end of the lecture. Besides finishing the readins earlier, I also purchase the textbook so there are more examples for me to read through to understand the module better. For tutorials, I will also finish reading up the topic that will be covered and also attempt the questions. I will continue to improve by reading the topics again and clarifying problems with the tutors at the clinic, look up for more examples in books and the internet for me to practice and to form study groups with friends to catch up on the notes and tips given by the professor that I might not have managed to take down during lectures.


Chinwee said...

Darryl has written down the steps and attitudes towards studies. He had experience difficulties in his studies in engineering classes and he explained to us ways we can do to resolve it. He has mentioned points such as advance reading for lecture and tutorial notes which I also agree that it would aid in the understanding of engineering classes. Indeed, the pace of lecturers covering lecture slides is very fast, thus we need to clarify with the professor as and when we are lost. Exchanging notes and pointers from friends is also a very kit towards studies. As we may not always be able to catch what the lecturer is trying to say all the time, therefore, Darryl has pointed out the usefulness of forming study group.

-=[Terence]=- said...

I agree with Darryl on the difficulties he faced in engineering classes. They happened on me at times too. University life is much different from the life of junior college as the pace is much faster and the lecture notes are too brief.

Lecture notes are never enough for a university student. Much self studying is need for us. Due to the different culture, self-discipline in studies are needed.

Darryl has pointed some ways to overcome his difficulties such as advance reading and doing more practices. These are good forms of studying and improving oneself in university.


I agree with Darryl that the pace of both lectures and tutorials are too fast. I always feel I am behind for several lessons. It is better to make it a rule to preview and review before and after classes.