Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Portfolio 1

I would say Article 1 has the most important idea to the engineering profession and that would be to acquire skills and knowledge to improve the life of people and also to meet society needs.
For instance, engineering has many fields and they are biomedical engineering and many others and they need to be extremely clear about their respective fields so as to provide a better living standard for the people.

In the past, engineering had always been a course with majority of men but in the modern era now, the ratio of ladies and men are quite close. I would say previously engineering always improve the living standards of people biasing towards male but now because we have a 50:50 ratio of male and female, the challenges faced by the females will be taken note and will be reacted upon to be overcome.

Meeting society needs is important to the engineering profession but must bear economic considerations in mind. Another thing about meeting society needs, it should target generally and not just a selective group of people. For instance, the car that is invented not to pollute the air, it targets the rich who own cars because the new invention is too expensive.

To conclude, there are so many things about improving the life of people, be it health, computer or machines to replace labour, we need engineers of their respective field to be professional enough to overcome challenges to meet the needs of the society.


-=[Terence]=- said...

I agreed totally to what Darryl had mentioned regarding the needs of the society. Indeed, many of the inventions were too expensive for the lower income people. As it is not affordable to them, they will rather use back the "old tools" for cost saving, but not environmental friendly.

Next, the increase in females taking up engineering course is a good sign. As we are facing an aging population, the increase in females taking up engineering course can cover up for the shortage of trained engineers which is essential for an economy.

Lastly, adding on to Darryl's conclusion, skilled engineers are essential, however they need to be innovative as well in order to make inventions available to all classes of people.

Chinwee said...
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Chinwee said...

Darryl has made a good point with regards the modern era on the population of men and ladies in engineering field are of equal ratio. This would bring out the hidden invention on the view point from the female. With regards to the example, perhaps Darryl could bring in recent articles on the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The demand on the CNG vehicles is on the rise. Perhaps by adding recent news to his articles, would enrich and make his blog more informative.

Nam Truong said...

the main ideas Darryl are very clearcut and convincing. And I agree with him that the modern engineers not only are required professional skills but acquire broadly economic knowledge as well.
According to his example about the unpolluting cars, the key point is to invent cheaper materials for the car to lower the car price, and consequently this kind of environmentally friendly car will be more popular in public. To understand this regard, engineers also possess the mind of an economist.
Nowadays, the main target of engineering is to serve the human life by creating more and more useful facilities and labour-replacing machines such as computers and robots. In other words, the mission of engineering is to release humans from manually usual work. And, I want to emphasize that it should serve the public not only a selective group of people.
In brief, the engineering products of this century have to include both modern techniques and feasibity of applying in public.