Tuesday, September 30, 2008

14 Grand Challenges for Engineering

PortFolio 3: Water: Quality and Quantity

The world’s population is increasing therefore the quality and quantity of water has become more and more of a concern and there are three ways on ensuring that high-quality water can still be made available for future generations. The three ways are water recycling, desalination and conservation. Water recycling is about using well-treated waste water and an example is to use them for toilet flushing rather than using fresh water to flush toilets. Desalination is a process where salt is being removed from water. Though it is a very expensive process, engineers are doing research and developments to make it cheaper because it is still welcomed by places where there is a shortage of water. The last method is conservation and it basically means to save and reduce water usage. This method of conservation involves many parties, the residents, the farmers and industries so that high-quality water will still be made available for future generations. Residents are educated in water-saving habits and they can save water by changing their old 6 gallon toilets to 1.6 gallon toilets and it will greatly help the problem of insufficient water being faced in the world. Farmers are encouraged to help by using drip irrigation techniques and soil moisture sensor where water is provided to the soil by drip method only when the soil needs it. Industries help by installing water-saving devices so that the water usage is at its minimum. There are many challenges that engineers are working on, to come up with cheaper processes, more gadgets and ways for people on earth to apply to help improve the quality and quantity of water. In conclusion, the amount of water on earth is fixed and the world’s population is increasing, there are three ways where engineers have introduced to ensure that high-quality water can last for future generations. Everyone plays a role in conserving water and engineers will have to carry on working on ways to have sufficient water for the world.

Water: Quality And Quantity
Retrieved Sept 26, 2008 from